Yogi Berra

Yogi Berra

“Predictions are tough, especially about the future.” Yogi Berra had some great one-liners. This one is particularly appropriate right now. This was/will be a tense week. The election will have come and gone, but we might not have the results when this gets printed....
That Just Sounds Wrong

That Just Sounds Wrong

TV commercials sell products. If you remember the commercial but not the product, then the commercial failed. I remember a commercial that sold something, but I don’t remember what it was. I remember  the commercial because a teenage daughter shouted at her...
Stoplights Are Not Suggestions

Stoplights Are Not Suggestions

They have a purpose. Stoplights exist so that there will be fewer accidents. They tell us when we can safely go through an intersection and when we can’t. Imagine a world where people regularly ignored stoplights. Stoplights have a purpose. In John 15:17, Jesus gives...
Good Enough for Government Work

Good Enough for Government Work

Lowest cost, technically acceptable. That is what we were told to look for, and it bothered me. The meaning of “good enough for government work” has really gone downhill. It now means as cheap as possible and barely able to do the job. The Bible is not the product of...
How Do I Love Thee?

How Do I Love Thee?

…let me count the ways. Those are the opening words of Elizabeth Browning’s 43 sonnet. What strikes me as odd about the sonnet is that she described her emotions, but she didn’t list any actions to show how she loved. I don’t doubt she loved deeply, but if her love...