by Travis Herbelin | Jun 26, 2020 | John, New Testament
Wrap the potato in aluminum foil. Preheat the oven. Stick the wrapped potato into the oven. How easy is that? Only two ingredients: potato and aluminum. After it’s cooked, you can add butter, or sour cream, or whatever else to taste. If you follow this recipe, you...
by Travis Herbelin | Jun 19, 2020 | John, New Testament
Some people are just born on the wrong side of the tracks. By luck of birth, one person is socially desirable, and another is undesirable. The Jews thought Jesus was from the wrong side of the tracks. He came from the region of Galilee. His home town was Nazareth, a...
by Travis Herbelin | Jun 12, 2020 | John, New Testament
Why does Hallmark make cards? Somehow they seem to have the exact right words for different situations. What do you say to someone in the hospital? Send them a get-well card! What do you say to new grandparents-to-be? Send them a get-well card too! What do you say to...
by Travis Herbelin | Jun 5, 2020 | John, New Testament
“Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” That’s the only phrase I remember from that poem. We read it in high school and were taught that it had a double meaning. On the one hand, Ozymandias wrote it to terrify other kings into submission. On the other hand, it...
by Travis Herbelin | May 20, 2020 | John, New Testament
In high school, we read Leaf by Niggel by J.R.R Tolkien. I completely missed the point of the story. The main character focuses on painting perfect leaves rather than the forest. I thought Niggel’s missing the “big picture” was actually the “big picture” of...
by Travis Herbelin | May 8, 2020 | John, New Testament
Language doesn’t always make sense. If you were to ask a new-to-English-speaker, “What’s up?” the logical answer is, “the sky.” That answer does not actually answer the question that was intended. America’s favorite Bible verse is kind of like that. We see it on...