by Travis Herbelin | Sep 18, 2020 | John, New Testament
We identify things by comparing their qualities to the qualities of other things we know. Consider the following description. It is round. It is oval. It is white. It is in a carton with 11 others just like it. It must be an _____. (See answer below.) In John 13:35,...
by Travis Herbelin | Sep 11, 2020 | John, New Testament
“You keep using that word…” Some can quote The Princess Bride movie. Having seen it once or twice myself, I only remember bits and pieces of a silly dialogue about the word “inconceivable.” Wallace Shawn’s character kept saying it to describe the...
by Travis Herbelin | Sep 4, 2020 | John, New Testament
The colonel told me to keep it short. His exact words were, “Parsimony of word is a virtue.” I don’t know if he quoted someone famous, but it did reflect an ancient American proverb, “Waste not, want not.” In John 12:3-5, Mary opened very costly perfume, poured it on...
by Travis Herbelin | Aug 28, 2020 | John, New Testament
I remember learning to march. The drill instructor was very patient and repeated a command as many times as necessary for all of us to get it. We carried refreshments around with us on our belts. We smiled a lot. It was spring. It was beautiful. Or maybe not… The...
by Travis Herbelin | Aug 21, 2020 | John, New Testament
Sometimes the significant figures of history seem distant with little humanity. George Washington is a monolith on the National Mall. Abraham Lincoln sits in a big chair, staring off into the distance. They existed, but don’t feel real. But Grandpa, I could relate to...
by Travis Herbelin | Aug 14, 2020 | John, New Testament
If I don’t finish a project before the end of the day, then there is a good chance that when I come back to it the next day, I will ask myself, “What was I thinking?” Until I remember what I was thinking, “I lose the bubble,” and just stare at it. Sometimes I think I...